About Me

Hi, there. I am Mahdi and glad that you read my page.

I am a software engineer currently working with Amazon Cloud AI platform team in Berlin and a part time MBA student at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management. My experiences are spread over software engineering topics mainly on backend and infrastructure. Beside that, I have joined WHU to expand my knowledge on finance and business.

If you have any reason to check my resume on Linkedin, you would realize that I have jumped in/out of different roles like Embedded Software Engineer, Site Reliability Engineer, DevOps Engineer and Backend Software Engineer. However, in the end, all of them have given me a common set of learnings which fulfil my desire as an engineer. I learned - and still I’m learning of course - how to build a reliable and scalable system which successfully delivers a product mattering to customer.

I am delighted that I had an opportunity to work in companies like Ideanegar, Trivago, Zalando and Amazon Web Service (AWS) with people who shaped my growth path and helped me hit my limits. They not only gave me moments to improve the technical aspect of my profession but also my soft skills.

Get in touch

To drop me a message the easiest way is to use my Twitter account @xdataminer. In addition to that, you might also use linkedin if it fits you.